the empowered investor

Achieve Financial Security:
The Recipes for Success

Empowered investing is based on a few simple ingredients with endless variations

by Tulett, Matthews & Associates

Key Takeaways

  • Like most people’s favorite comfort food, the basic ingredients are universal. After that, there’s no limit to what you might add to your recipe for financial security.
  • Inspired by our book, “The Empowered Investor,” we are delighted to launch this new series of blog posts to help you answer a critical question: How will you fulfill your life?
  • Topics will be varied and far-reaching, but you’ll find several constants throughout. Our advice is grounded in simplicity, wisdom, empowerment, stewardship, and (above all) gratitude to you, our reader.
  • Welcome to our new blog series!

“Every pupusa shares a few basic ingredients: corn masa, shortening, a little water, and a lot of love. But depending on how you fill it, each is its own creation.”

Marcelo Taboada

Associate Portfolio Manager

What does a pupusa have to do with your financial security?

For our associate portfolio manager Marcelo Taboada, this tasty treat is a favorite snack from his native El Salvador. Marcelo immigrated to Canada as a teenager. But when he thinks of comfort food, he still thinks of the pupusa.

Your personal financial security is like a pupusa.

The basic ingredients are universal. Everyone wants a comfortable roof over their head, good food in their belly, and the means to enjoy a rich, meaningful life in the company of loved ones. After that, there’s no limit to what you might add to your own recipe for financial security.

How will you fulfill YOUR life?

Starting today, we are delighted to launch a new series of Empowered Investor blog posts to help you answer that critical question. Our posts will be inspired by the insights and ideals we’ve long embraced here at Tulett, Matthews & Associates. Topics will be varied and far-reaching, but you’ll find several constants throughout.


Does it feel like there are too many complex choices and conflicting voices telling you how to invest? As we’ll explore more deeply in future posts, too much noise is among the greatest challenges you’ll face along your journey to financial freedom.


Simplicity does not mean being simplistic. Mastering the essentials of empowered investing is a whole lot easier than trying to master everything. Wisdom comes from building on a solid base, replacing all that random (stressful) noise with quiet confidence, and concentrating on what really matters—to you.


Above all, we’ll show you how to become an Empowered Investor, so you can achieve your personal vision of financial security. It’s just that simple. It’s just that important.


When we founded Tulett, Matthews & Associates, we resolved to build a practice in which our clients, not us, are the superstars. As a challenge and change to Bay Street’s often-predatory practices, we obsess over each client’s experience. Our costs are always transparent, our advice is always fiduciary, and our team is deliberately diverse, to meet our clients’ diverse needs. We believe this is the way it should be, to ensure our superstars outshine all else. You’ll see this reflected in all our communications, which brings us to our final point …


In 2004, our firm’s partner Keith Matthews published “The Empowered Investor,” to describe how anyone can achieve financial security. He hoped to reach a handful of readers. Imagine our gratitude when we realized how many lives our little book was able to touch. Today, “The Empowered Investor” is in its fourth printing, and freely available to anyone who wants to embrace and commit to achieving financial security. We can’t wait to amplify its timeless messages here, and throughout this series.


From Books to Blogs …

If you’re reading this post, we thank you for your time and interest in our ideas. For additional insights, check out our related podcast, “Welcome to the Empowered Investor.”

We, in turn, pledge this to you: Your time will be well-spent.

If you’re just getting started and your needs are modest, you should be able to leverage what you learn to establish your own, solid financial footing.

If you’re further along, but still unsure whether you’re “doing it right,” you’ll still find refreshing inspiration in our posts.

You may also determine you could use some dedicated advice to take your financial security to the next level—and confidently keep it there. Or you may have questions or comments about what you’ve read. If so, please reach out to us today. We love hearing from our readers!

Thanks again for discovering us. Our “Empowered Investor” message is very special to us. We invite you to share in our enthusiasm.

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